2017 monthly project – Wolfsburg Eighties
+12 photos published here month by month, featuring Wolfsburg in the 1980s.
2016 – the Year in Hand Lettering
2016 was the year of hand lettering. 12 calendar sheets came here one by one, featuring my own handwriting powered by a few catchy script fonts.
Stork Festival (proposal)
Poster designs for a public event regularly held at the Leiferde species protection centre. This facility is run by NABU, the respected Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union in Germany.
What if?
Some time ago, Kunstverein Wolfsburg invited local artists to enter the Arti contest and exhibition under the motto “What if?”
Flat style casting long shadow
Under the influence of the Windows 8 UI and Google’s minimalist strategy, the graphic design world experienced an upswing of non-3d layouts in the last months. Recently another sub-trend has hit the screens. Flat items looking „almost flat“ and casting long shadows.
The Date
Poster design for the Open Days at HfK Bremen, University of the Arts on February 9th and 10th, 2013. The HfK held a design contest for students and alumni. My entry came up with the idea of a transformed tear-off calendar featuring this important date.
All the Best for the Future
Welcome to drossmedia.com! And clearly, the best of WordPress is yet to come!
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